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Words about yoga

The history of yoga and the nature of this disciple are complex notions, very briefly and with a lot of humility, here are a few words to better understand it and to want to go further maybe ...

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The source:

Yoga is a very ancient discipline originating in India and the first writings found date back to 200 years before our era. This collection of texts was written by Patanjali in the form of inspiring, philosophical phrases (195 in number) called yoga sutras and translated from Sanskrit to all other modern languages ​​today so that they are accessible to everyone. These early writings are the basis of yoga and Indian philosophy.

Yoga has gradually transformed over the centuries and has gradually been exported elsewhere in the world. it is from the 19th century (with then the independence of india and the two world wars) that indian spirituality and in particular yoga begin to take a more important place in western circles.

Yoga is now more and more popular in the West and many styles have come and are still appearing to make it accessible to everyone ...

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Yoga, what is it?

The Sanskrit word YOGA means "to unite", "to link", "to put together" in particular the body, the mind and the heart. By its practice, one can come to harmonize, balance, all the aspects of its being (physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual) in order to inhabit our body fully (here we are not only addressing the body, everything is linked).

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The techniques used include physical postures (called "asanas"), breathing practices (pranayamas), techniques to help the body to purify itself (kriyas), deep relaxation (yoga nidra), as well as meditation.

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Hatha yoga is also translated as "effort" because it is a practice in which one comes to hold and remain static in each posture for about 5 breaths. You learn to breathe, engage your muscles in depth, self-adjust and become aware of each part of your body, manage your emotions when you are outside your comfort zone ...

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Why ?

Scientific studies are multiplying in the world confirming the many benefits of yoga on the body and the mind for all (the reduction of stress and therefore of all its repercussions (on the heart, back, digestion, mood, hormonal problems). ....) as well as the positive effects on people with serious illnesses (less anxiety and strengthening of the immune system, improvement in the quality of sleep and life in general).

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Thanks to yoga we have tools to deal with stress and difficult life situations. Yoga accompanies people in everyday life in order to find more solution in us.

To practice yoga, there is no point in having the best brand mat or the most beautiful leggings, what matters is you and only your person.

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It is a practice that aims for introspection. It allows us to further explore our capacities, resources, difficulties and attitudes anchored and conditioned in us in order to detach ourselves more easily little by little and to know ourselves better.

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The benefits are numerous:

  • physical: stretching and development of all deep muscles, strengthening the back and relieving tension, stimulating the activity and proper functioning of each organ and tissue, helping to fight infections, etc.

  • psychological, mental, emotional: relaxation, concentration, improved sleep quality, better daily stress management, learning to manage mood disorders, getting to know yourself better, etc.

  • spiritual and energetic: accompanying our life with philosophy and yogic principles for more love, acceptance, letting go ... Circulate the vital energy in the body and activate our chakras (because whether we name them or not when we practice, yoga postures activate our energy centers which are mainly located along our spine).

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